Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Early Thanksgiving

Bunmi (my running partner), me... and sangria!

Endy, Jay, Bunmi, me

Turkey Dinner

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Full day of fun...

Today is Dominica's Independence Day (celebrating their independence from Britain - November 3, 1978). The day celebrates the unique Creole culture of the Dominican people. A national holiday also means that we did not have classes today - so we took our first and only full day off from studying this semester. A group of us got out of town for some much needed rest and relaxation...

First to a hot sulpher spring for a soak:

Then to Scott's Head (where the Caribbean Sea mts the Atlantic Ocean) for snorkeling and sun:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hurricane David (1979) aftermath

A flattened school bus was left in his wake... (but notice the renewal of nature right over top)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A few websites...

for those of you who are thinking of making a visit (my breaks are Dec 15-Jan 11 and April 22-May 10):

Dominica Tourism  http://www.dominica.dm/site/dominica.cfm & http://away.com/destination-overview/Dominica-308-travel-guide.html

Dominica au naturel  http://naturallivingindominica.wordpress.com/

History, Foreign Relations, etc.  http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2295.htm

I'll post some more as i come across them but I've found some difficulty when searching for "Dominica" related sites - as the sites that pop up seem to pertain to the Dominican Republic :(

Monday, August 31, 2009

On the way to the Caribbean:)

Hood to Coast Relay 2009   (http://www.hoodtocoast.com/)

Action Shots!
Our mascott  Finish line!Views from our pad Seaside, OR

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lots of changes...

I quit my job and left my lovely coworkers...

I said farewell to the roomates... 

and to the apartment (view from our roof)...

Packed my bags. Donated the ole Toyota to charity...

And left my heart in San Francisco.

I'll be back again some day!